Clarus Financial Technology

What I Learned at FIA Expo

Good event last week in Chicago.  I thought I’d summarize what I learned.

Day 1: Keynote by Chairman Massad

The day began with some personal excitement.  The Chairman and other Commissioners have been very good about giving “shout-outs” to Clarus on our efforts with enriching the public swaps data.  Just the prior week, the Chairman mentioned us at SEFCON in his keynote.

During his FIA keynote, he began by discussing how far swaps reporting has come from being non-existent just a few years ago.  He put up screen shots of the DTCC raw data, then BGC SEF website, and said that other firms are now taking this data and making it useful.  It was at this point I got my camera out to take a picture of the Chairman standing in front of the 50 foot projection screen, with what surely was going to be a picture of one of our Clarus applications….  Then he proceeds to show a 5 week old FIA report.

I decided not to take that picture;  in the spirit of “what I learned” – I learned the one place we don’t get a mention is at an FIA conference.

Having recovered from that disappointment, I tuned back into the Chairman:

Day 1: Clearing Leaders

The first panel of the event has, over the years, become one of the more lighthearted ones, with Gill (CME), Sprecher (ICE), Preuss (Eurex) and Tilly (CBOE) vying for the best one-liners.

Day 1 – Treasury Markets

The Treasury Markets panel continued the fearmongering of disappearing liquidity:

Day 1 Lunch

Steven Johnson of TV show “How We Got To Now” spoke.  I learned that New Jersey occasionally makes lower Manhattan stink like syrup.  <Insert your own New Jersey smelling joke here>.  This mystery was solved by the 311 service in New York crunching their big data.

I have since watched a few episodes on Amazon.  Good stuff.

Day 1 – Market Structure:  Clearing

Few tidbits I took away:

Day 2 – Liquidity Crisis

So if the Treasury panel was not enough to discuss the liquidity fears, now we had an entire panel:

Day 2 – Future of Clearing

Fairly glim perspective on the future of clearing!

Day 2 – Blockchain

Ray Kahn of Barclays chaired a panel of blockchain experts.  Ray does not claim to be a blockchain expert (and I can now verify that) but Ray does know clearing inside and out.  I got the sense questions and answers were going over each other’s heads.  I’ll give you an example:

Ray“I know how to run an FCM.  You technical geniuses know Bitcoin.  So, tell me, can the blockchain handle LSOC?”

Panelist“Yep, sure can.  What’s LSOC?”

Bit of journalistic freedom there, but you get the point.  Besides the blockchain being a ledger that can persist movements and balances of accounts, I picked up the following:

Good lighthearted panel.  I suspect we may one day look back on this panel in the same way we look back at a mandatory clearing panel in 2009.

Day 2 – Cloud Technology

As all of our Clarus applications run in the cloud, I wandered into my final panel to see if I could learn anything.


Another good FIA event.  A bit somber at times, with all of the talk of less liquidity, shrinking markets and regulatory hurdles.  But the financial industry has always been an innovator so was able to cheer myself up at a few of the panels and discussions.  Particularly after a couple beers at the social functions.

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