Clarus Financial Technology

CDS Volumes now $6.6Trn higher than last year

We’ve written frequently about Credit markets this year. The topics are diverse, covering:

A healthy presence for CDS on this blog means that there is something going on in the underlying markets. With central banks shifting (shifted?) to a hawkish policy stance and increasingly restrictive interest rates, one of the big questions for markets is whether central banks can engineer a “soft landing” and avoid deep recessions. Nowhere is this more pertinent than credit markets. No matter where the eventual neutral monetary stance lies, the number and magnitude of credit events will be defined by the depth of any upcoming recession. What will default rates (and recovery rates) be like on the far side of a recession? It is a big unknown, and has seemingly led to a huge amount of trading in Credit derivatives this year.

65% More Trading Anyone?

CCPView analyses global cleared volumes. We can use the data to run Year to Date (YTD) volumes in all Credit Derivatives up to the end of August each year. 2022 is a stand-out year:


How Have CDS Indices Performed?

Most of the volume growth has occurred in the Index products, as these dominate trading in overall cleared Credit Derivatives:


Which Indices have powered the growth?

An extra $6.6Trn in notional has to be traded in something….which precise indices have powered the growth?


To reiterate, compared to 2021, volumes are up by 69% in CRD Index trading, and are up 31% compared to 2020 (the previous record year).

And in Single Names?


I find this surprising given the large amounts of activity seen in CDS Index trading? I guess we know the Index volumes are not being driven by basis trading (packages that trade single names vs the index).

We now have considerable insight into US persons single name CDS trading via SBSDR, so let’s take a look.

What Does US Data Show?

Our latest data product, SBSDRView, reveals the most actively traded CDS Single Names each month. The data was first made available in February 2022.

In Single Name CDS, we see over 12,500 trades reported to SBSDRs each month. Unfortunately, around 40% are reported at the capped threshold of $5m, which we really hope to see revised upward in due course. However, we can still judge trends over time. We see that:

And a reminder (for myself as well as you readers) that Single Name CDS remains a largely uncleared market. Only about 13% of volumes (by notional) are reported as cleared:

This varies between Sovereigns and Corporates, with April a particular high point for clearing, seeing 26% of single name corporate CDS reported as cleared (by trade number).

Our Most Active view in SBSDRView reveals which names are most popular. Looking at the most recent complete month (July 2022):

Across both Cleared and Uncleared markets:

We can look at just the Cleared volumes, which reveals:

I find it surprising that the clearing rates vary so much from name to name. What is it exactly that is motivating the two counterparties to clear? Is it only D2D activity and much of the reported trades are D2C? One to ponder in future blogs, including looking at the clearing rate of clearable names only.

In Summary

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