Clarus Financial Technology

USD Swap Prices on SEF platforms


Following on from my article SEF, Oct2, What does the SDR Data show? I wanted to take a further look at what else we can observe in SDRView using the DTCC real-time price dissemination feed source.


USD IRS Prices on SEF platforms

From my last article you will know that we now have a SEF On and Off selection filter in SDRView Professional.

This means that we can compare Cleared USD Swap traded prices on SEF platforms versus Off facility.

The screenshot below shows for USD IRS On SEF for Oct 4, the volumes traded by tenor and an average price curve.

Now lets export this data and create some tables first comparing volumes.

From this we can observe that:

Lets now export prices and create a table comparing these.

Well where do we start?

We could carry on and have much fun exporting data from SDRView Professional and analysing further.

However lets also not forget that SEFs themselves are now publishing their volumes and prices.

So as an example lets take the data that ICAP make available.

And create yet another table comparing this with the On SEF data from SDR.

From which we can observe:

Well I could go on.

Or leave you to follow the data yourself in SDRView.

I know which I prefer.



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