Clarus Financial Technology

G3 Inflation Swap Volumes are on the up

Monthly volumes of cleared inflation swaps topped $500 Billion for the first time in March 2021. That is basically double the monthly volumes that we were seeing as recently as a year ago.

This blog will take a look at the volume data available to us. It serves as a great reminder of just how much history we have in our data products at Clarus. Cleared volumes in Inflation swaps for the past 6 years from CCPView:


EUR Inflation Swap Clearing

Looking at each currency in turn, I was surprised to learn that it is the EUR Inflation swaps market that is the largest market:

As the chart shows:

As the LCH website highlights, none of these products are subject to clearing mandates but there are two different EUR inflation indices that are cleared:

CCPView also includes a break-down of tenors traded.

The split of volumes by tenor is pretty stable over the past couple of years:

There doesn’t seem to have been a particular maturity that saw a spike in volumes in March 2021. It was broad-based activity that caused the large volumes across all tenors.

And Brexit?

Amir’s blog on Inflation Swaps from way back in 2015 here reminded me that the interdealer market for EUR Inflation swaps probably saw some Brexit impacts. Indeed, we have seen an increase in EUR Inflation Swaps traded on SEF during 2021:

However, the increases in volumes traded on-SEF have not been anywhere near the experience we saw in vanilla EUR IRS. This likely speaks to the fact that EUR Inflation Swaps are not subjected to a Trading Obligation (“DTO”) and therefore do not have to execute on venue. It is also notable that:

GBP Inflation Swap Clearing

Turning our attention to GBP markets;


USD Inflation Swap Clearing

Finally, on our whistle-stop tour of Inflation swap volumes, we look at US markets:


Is it therefore possible that inflation swap volumes simply spiked in line with overall Fixed Income activity in March 2021? Did a rising tide “lift all ships” in this case?

If so, it seems very similar to Swaptions activity to me. However, for swaptions we could clearly point the finger at convexity hedging as rates increased (a lot). What is the cause in Inflation swaps for volumes to increase as rates rise?

It is worth bearing in mind that as well as large increases in reported/realised inflation we saw large increases in 5y5y inflation expectations in both the US and Europe at the beginning of 2021 (admittedly from all time lows due to the pandemic). Is it this volatility in the underlying that has driven volumes?

Uncleared Markets

Of course, there remains a large and active market in uncleared inflation swaps as well. However, transparency is severely lacking in this area of the market, therefore the analysis we can perform is sadly limited.

In Summary

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