Clarus Financial Technology

Swaps Price Data – Painting the full Liquidity Picture

10y USD Swap Prices

Our recent work on liquidity has highlighted the benefits of trading on-SEF. Liquidity is not the only market-variable that has benefited from these changes to the market infrastructure. The electronification of trade-execution also allows us to programmatically identify the type of trade. This means we are confident as to whether a trade has been executed as an Outright, a Spreadover, or part of a Curve or Butterfly package.

When we analyse the price of trades by package type, we see some compelling differences between the data sets.

Below is a box-plot of all 10y Spot Starting USD swaps traded on-SEF during March 16th 2016 – the most recent “Fed day”. We plot separate series of data for the different trade types that we consider price-forming.

The chart shows;

It is worth noting that we wouldn’t know that there was a paying interest in Curve and Butterflies without these tricks of data visualisation. If we just looked at the plain price action from 16th March, nothing really jumps out: 

SDRFix 16th March 2016

We can see that swap rates generally increased (these fixings are pre-Fed announcement) – but the paying is not particularly marked in any area of the curve. Now, there is an element of mixing LCH/CME trades together here. But do we really think that a cluster of both Curve and Butterfly trades were related to basis trading on the Fed day? More likely that these trades all occurred pre-Fed and at the higher rates of the day (see below).

10y USD Swap Volumes

The beauty of our data is that we don’t have to restrict ourselves to the price data. Volumes are just as important in these post-reform days. A successful franchise relies upon reliable two-way flows now more than ever. Equally, that franchise may be particularly strong – or particularly focussed – on a single package type. So it also pays to look at the distribution of volumes in a similar way as we do for prices. Taking all spot-starting, 10y USD Swaps traded on 16th March gives us the following box-plot:


And As a Single Number

As we’ve said before, we are fans of simplifying to clarify the data. So we can also analyse the Liquidity for this trading day using a simple price-dispersion calculation. In a nut-shell, this involves calculating the volume weighted price difference per trade around the average price for that package type. Doing so shows that;

Augmentation of a Typical Time-Series

As well as these alternative views of price and volumes, we can also augment the classic Price/Volume charts when presented as a time-series. This helps make further sense of the trading day;


One interesting by-product of the above chart is to ask ourselves whether it makes sense to “join the dots” of all 10y trades when there are clearly different price-motivations behind the reason to trade the different packages? We intentionally leave them independent on the above chart.

In Summary

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