Clarus Financial Technology

What is Multilateral Netting – FX NDF Clearing

After my post last week about NDF trading, I was intrigued enough about the lack of Clearing to start running some numbers. Below is a framework that looks at the possible multilateral netting benefits for Initial Margin.

What is multilateral netting?

In terms of OTC Derivatives, multilateral netting can be considered as:

A process that sums up all offsetting positions to create one overall position

In general, this is achieved by the insertion of a Central Counterparty between the buyer and seller of any given contract. In the case of Interest Rate Swaps, this may take the form of novation to e.g. LCH SwapClear, who will then also guarantee the payments for the life of the trade – even in the event of a default. The Bank of England have a good paper that looks at this, and a nice diagram that illustrates the concept better than I can put it into words (click to enlarge).

All well and good. So why bring this up in relation to my blog on NDFs?

Bilateral Margin

As we touched upon last week, Margin for Uncleared Derivatives (let’s introduce UMR, Uncleared Margin Rules, for that mouthful) is about to come into play for the largest counterparties in September 2016. This will mean that NDFs are subject to bilateral margining.

Multilateral netting benefits within clearing reduce gross bilateral counterparty exposures down to a single net exposure to the CCP. This not only has the benefit of reducing credit exposures, but will therefore also reduce the amount of Initial Margin that has to be held (compared to retaining the same exposures in the bilateral world).

This might not be immediately obvious, so I’ve run some numbers to illustrate this.

Dealer Network

For simplicity, let’s consider a 6 dealer network – as dealers will be the first to be captured by the UMRs. We’ll assign some random exposures between them all:

Random Exposures between 6 dealers

Because the exposures are random, we see a wide range of IM. Therefore, not every dealer has the same motivation to start Clearing their trades as every other dealer.

In the random example above, we see that Dealer 2 has a long position (positive exposure) with every other dealer. Let’s look at how their Margin changes as the percentage of the market that is being cleared changes:

Plausible Scenarios

The above example is just one set of random numbers. We need to apply this to the real World. Here are some thoughts on doing that:


Given all of that, I ran 1,000 random networks to see how IM changes per dealer from the bilateral space to the cleared space. I modelled different levels of clearing from 0% to 100% to check that there is a linear relationship between the reduction of IM (on average) and the amount of clearing. The histogram of results is shown below:

Clearing and Overall Margin


Some Caveats

Remember that all of the numbers presented here are random and not based on actual positions or IM numbers. We’d have to look at an NDF clearing model to put in accurate IM numbers for some given notional amounts. But the theory holds.

I thought this would be a rock-solid way to present “Clearing good, bilateral bad”, but after a little bit of research into the academic material on this subject, it appears there is a degree of disagreement as to whether “Clearing good, bilateral bad” holds under ALL conditions.

Specifically, Duffie and Zhu (2011) present a model that looks at the impact of introducing a new CCP to a multi-asset cleared world. They suggest that netting can be decreased if multiple CCPs are competing for market-share within the same asset-class, and further that multiple CCPs clearing multiple derivative classes increases counterparty exposures.  However, Cont and Kokholm (2012) refute this claim when they introduce different levels of “riskyness” between the derivative asset classes.

It’s not the work of a blog to review and critique those pieces of work – but both papers make very accessible arguments and are worth 30 minutes of your time.

In Summary

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