Clarus Financial Technology

Even More on Blocks and new rules for FX

CFTC Global Markets Advisory Committee

Following up on my blog last week, there is now the recording of the CFTC’s Global Markets Advisory Committee (GMAC) available on youtube:

YouTube Poster

There are some interesting take-aways:


Elsewhere, Tradeweb and Bloomberg provided insights into the RFQ1 vs RFQ-to-many split amongst large trades. This is some really interesting data. The chart below shows that over 60% of block trades in USD IRS are sent to less than 3 dealers. With larger block sizes, over 70% (and even up to 90%!) of block trades would be sent to only 1 or 2 dealers:

(I assume that the 2022 & 23 data includes SOFR OIS, hence the reference to “MAT tenors” on the footnote).

And for those of you without regular access to Bloomberg, you might be interested to witness the level of pre-trade transparency that SEFs have introduced. It is really impressive to have reached this level within ten years of SEF trading. And if anyone knows what the “Auto Trade” option that is greyed out below does, please let me know!

The take-aways from the GMAC were:

CDS Index Blocks

Happily, ISDA saved me a bit of Excel work this week! I will shamelessly copy their slide showing the block threshold changes for CDS Index trades (I am sure they won’t mind):

ISDA GMAC presentation. All of the content is available here.


It will be interesting to see how these are received by the market – most of the attention has been on the Rates products so far, so I think it is well worth flagging here. Similarly….

FX Block Sizes

For FX Options reported to SDRs, over 35% of trades are currently reported as blocks in the major currency pairs – EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD & CAD vs USD:

And for NDFs, the data is similar, if a little higher. In CNY, INR, KRW & BRL vs USD 40% of trades were reported as block trades in the past three months.

I believe that the high number of block trades in FX is intentional, because some currency pairs do not have any block limits set. Therefore, no matter what the size, any trade in INR or CNY can be treated as a block trade:

All swap transactions subject to part 43 in these unique currency combinations may be treated as
blocks. The changes to § 43.6(b)(4) will significantly reduce the number of swap categories.

While not affording block treatment to all swaps in the FX asset class subject to part 43, these modifications will increase the number of currency combinations which will be eligible to be blocks, many of which have limited liquidity

CFTC, 17 CFR Part 43 Procedures To Establish Appropriate Minimum Block Sizes for Large
Notional Off-Facility Swaps and Block Trades; Final Rule

My understanding is that this means all FX trades in INR and CNY (for example) can be treated as Block trades, irrespective of size. And that is what we see in the data, where some platforms report all trades as block trades (data below for trades executed on-SEF in July 2023):

This is, therefore, the first time that FX block thresholds have been truly calibrated. It will be interesting to see how the review process goes because most of the changes are many multiples of current levels:

MAT Determinations and Clearing Mandates

Whilst the changes in FX block levels are eye-poppingly large, the impact on the industry may be different because there are no MAT determinations or Clearing Mandates in the FX Asset Class. However, it could have particular impacts on certain FX trading venues, who may have implemented minimum order sizes above the current block thresholds to simplify trade processing.

The review process will be interesting that’s for sure!

In Summary

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