SOFR SpreadOvers are now starting to trade
On June 8, the CFTC’s Market Risk Advisory Committee’s (MRAC) Interest Rate Benchmark Reform Subcommittee voted to recommend market best practice for switching interdealer trading conventions from Libor to SOFR (see release 8394-21). Referred to as SOFR First, it is modelled on the UK’s SONIA First and is a prioritization of interdealer trading in SOFR […]
USD & EUR Swap Volumes – May 2021
USD IRS , OIS and SOFR volumes EUR IRS, OIS and €STR volumes May compared to prior months and 1Q 2021 CCP market share for currency and product CCPView provides transparency on Swap volumes USD IRS From CCPView, USD IRS only, so excluding OIS, Basis, ZC, VNS and FRAs. May with $6.8 trillion, similar to April and down from the high […]
Cleared Swap Volumes and Share – 1Q 2021
USD IRS with record volume in 1Q 2021, LCH share up YoY SOFR Swaps at new highs, LCH dominant, CME share higher than in IRS EUR IRS volumes up, Eurex share up YoY as it’s gains continue €STR Swaps a record month, LCH dominant, Eurex share higher than in IRS JPY Swaps volumes up, JSCC […]
2020 CCP Volumes and Market Share in IRD
In this article I look in detail at the 2020 volumes and market share for OTC Derivatives in Interest Rates reported by Clearing Houses. Clarus CCPView has daily volume and open interest data published by each CCP, which is filtered, normalised and aggregated to allow meaningful comparisons of volume and has been used to produce all the charts below. Table of […]
Swap Volumes in October 2020
In the transition from LIBOR to SOFR, the recent change by Clearing Houses to discount swaps using a SOFR curve instead of a FedFunds curve has long been trailed as a key milestone for higher volumes in SOFR derivatives. In today’s blog I look at how SOFR Swap volumes did in October 2020. I also […]
CCP Swap Volumes and Share – 3Q 2020
In today’s blog, I look at interest rate swap volumes and CCP market share in major currencies, focusing on 3Q 2020 in a similar format to my 2Q 2020 article. After the massive volatility and volume we saw in Q1 and the quieter Q2, what does the most recent quarter show? Keep reading to find out. USD […]
CCP Volumes and Share in CRD and FXD – 2Q 2020
I recently looked at CCP Swap Volumes and Share – 2Q 2020 for Interest Rate Swaps, so today I will do the same analysis for Credit Derivatives and FX Derivatives. USD CRD Starting with Credit Derivatives in USD, both Indices and Single-names. 2Q 2020 with $2.65 trillion, up from the $2 trillion in 2Q 2019 […]
CCP Swap Volumes and Share – 2Q 2020
In today’s blog, I look at interest rate swap volumes and CCP market share in major currencies, focusing on 2Q 2020 and comparing QoQ and YoY figures. After the massive volatility and volume we saw in 1Q 2020, the most recent quarter was much quieter. Even so, there are interesting changes in volume and market […]
Swaps Data: Initial Margin Soars in Q1 2020
My monthly Swaps Review looks at Initial Margin requirements as disclosed in the recently published 1Q 2020 CPMI-IOSCO Quantitative Disclosures for CCPs, showing: The extent of the IM increases in Q1 2020 The wide variance by product class 23%, 46%, 66% for IRS, CDS, F&O respectively The wide variance between CCPs in the same product […]
SOFR Futures and Swaps – June 2020
An update to SOFR Futures and Swaps – May 2020 Volume and Open Interest in SOFR Futures is down Swaps Volume also down, but OI is up US persons data shows activity recovering in June SEF volume remains much lower than Off SEF Clarus Data Products provide more insights Volumes and Open Interest In CCPView we can view both […]