10 CCP Policy Proposals to make markets better

TLDR; For anyone interested in the BCBS paper/consultation on “Transparency and responsiveness of initial margin in centrally cleared markets – review and policy proposals” (and with a title like that who wouldn’t be interested in it?!) I will try to summarise the 64 pages in 1,200-odd words. Some of the thoughts that I have on the proposals may be […]

How Much Margin? The 2023 Edition

Initial Margin ISDA have just published the latest edition of the “ISDA Year-End Margin Survey”: We have covered previous versions of this survey, which are always worth a re-read because you can laugh at any predictions we made in the past! Sifting through all of those reveals that between $650-800bn in extra IM was anticipated by ISDA as a […]

1Q24 CCP Volumes and Share in IRD

This is an article about CCP volumes and market share in the IRD. It discusses volumes for major currencies and regions. It also details CCP market share. USD OIS swaps are the highest on record. EUR OIS volumes are also at a record high. The combined EUR IRS and OIS volume is almost equal to the USD OIS volume. AUD swaps are down from a year earlier. CCP market share is dominated by LCH with some exceptions.

What’s New in JPY Swaps in 2024?

Covering; ISDA AGM in Tokyo I thought I would try to be helpful with the timing of this blog. The ISDA AGM is due to take place April 16-18 in Tokyo: Most delegates will take time to also see Tokyo-based clients, and will therefore be discussing the JPY swap market whilst doing so. So consider […]