Clarus Financial Technology

SBSDR: The SEC Version of SDR

The CFTC began publishing rules about Swap Data Reporting in 2011, and we’ve come a very long way since then.  Just read any of our blogs on SDR data and you’ll realize there is a world of data now on this once-opaque market.

The SEC, however, took it a bit easier in their rulemaking for the reporting of swaps under their jurisdiction.  It wasn’t until February 2015 that they put out their final rule that requires swaps to be reported to an SDR.

I wanted to get a handle on their rules in anticipation of being able to begin reporting on this market.  So of course I dove into hundreds of pages of various legislation.  I will try to digest it for you below.


The Official Seal of the Securities and Exchange Commission

First, let’s get some basic terminology straight.  If you know the CFTC lingo for swaps, all you need to do is pre-pend an “SB” to your favorite acronym.  But the majors:


There were actually 3 rules published in February of 2015:

  1. Final Rule: SBSDR Registration, Duties, Core Principles (467 pages).
  2. Final Rule: Reporting / Dissemination final rule (644 pages).
  3. Proposed Changes to Final Rule #2: Reporting / Dissemination Proposed Rule / Guidance (245 pages).


I’ll start with #1 – the SBSDR Registration rule.  Fairly boring for someone like me who primarily cares about the public data that will come out of an SBSDR.  This covers how to register, and a bunch of conformities and principles, like needing to have a Chief Compliance Officer.  Read this only if you want to start an SDR.  I was interested to see any language on fees, and it seems to say you must make any fees “Fair” and apply them consistently across participants.

The interesting document is #2, as this details what has to be reported to SBSDR’s, what has to be publicly disseminated, and sets out obligations for SBSDR’s to generally do more than just regurgitate data that was reported to them.

Document #3 is quite oddball.  It’s basically a suggested update to Document #2, where it proposes language for sections that were left as “[Reserved]” in the Final Rule.

So let me step through the key points.  Generally it is much the same as CFTC SDR reporting but with some tweaks.  The highlights:


The Official Seal of the South Eastern Conference (the other SEC)

The general tone of the rules, comments and preamble seems to say two things to me:

Notably, the SEC has suggested that there be “Conditional Flags” reported on trade records, that the SBSDR’s must define and adopt, if they deem them relevant.  A couple good examples are mentioned as plausible:

So we could see further transparency, but it will be left up to the SBSDR’s to decide.


Truth be told, I intended to blog about the SEC rules back in February of 2015 when they were announced, but given the 1 year lead time, I thought I’d wait to see how the news panned out.  Oddly, there just hasn’t been much news that I have seen on the topic.  So let’s go back to the rules and see what the timeline is:

So before you panic that the Reporting rules began in May of last year, there are two very important milestones:

So it seems this is akin to the CFTC SEF rule which said you have to trade on SEF’s, and then there was a massive launch of SEF’s in 2013, but technically speaking nothing had to be traded on a SEF until some SEF declared a product “MAT” – only then did everyone begin to scramble.

So OK you say, just go look at the SEC website to see who has registered as an SBSDR, right?  Not quite that easy.  I could not readily find any registrations, however I did stumble across:

So hold on, if the DTCC is still not convinced they’re going to register as an SBSDR, just what the heck is going on?


The most recent activity seems to be those comment letters responding to an SEC proposed rule that states that they want SBSDR’s to give them the data in some standard such as FpML or FIXML.

Interestingly, this echoes my suggestions I published in last week’s blog regarding the CFTC’s recent request for comments on improving the quality of SDR data.  I suggested they adopt existing industry standards (eg FpML) and somewhat jokingly suggested they even assess non-existing “standards” such as the blockchain.  It seems the SEC is wise to the notion of leveraging industry standards from the start.


The TLDR version of SEC SBSDR reporting:

I should note one final catch-all in the comments of regulation SBSDR that says that trades should be reported “to a registered security-based swap data repository or, if there is no registered security-based swap data repository that would accept the information, to the Commission.”  So apparently, the SEC has considered what happens if an SBSDR does not exist.  Well then, everyone just has to report directly to the SEC.

So get crackin!

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