Clarus Financial Technology

Current Exposure Methodology – What You Need To Know


The Current Exposure Methodology (CEM) can be summarised in a simple look-up table that is used to calculate the Potential Future Exposure of a Derivative contract:

But what does this table mean? What are PFEs used for? We examine it through our typical lens of derivatives markets, and in particular the Leverage Ratio. The clearest description for this dates back to January 2014, the BCBS document “Basel III leverage ratio framework and disclosure requirements” or bcbs70.

Derivatives, Exposures and Notional Amounts

Bank capital is held for a very good reason. If a counterparty defaults on a bilateral loan/derivative/agreement, then a bank should be able to withstand this default without having to unwind all of its’ other obligations. In a trading world, if all counterparties were solely reliant on incoming margin to meet their outgoing margin requirements, then a single default could (would) result in a daisy-chain of defaults.

So, if a bank makes a loan, or if a bank enters a derivative (or even if a bank buys an asset), they must hold a “buffer” against the possibility that this position suddenly no-longer exists.

Potential Future Exposure of Derivatives

When a bank makes a loan to a counterparty, it is quite clear what the exposure to the counterparty is – it is the notional amount of the loan. Multiply that by the chances of default, and you have a good idea of how much Capital the bank has to hold against its’ loan book.

But capital also has to be held against derivatives. What is a bank’s exposure to the counterparty at the time of default of a derivative? This is known as the Potential Future Exposure (PFE) of a trade under Basel and it is rarely equal to the full notional of a trade. The Current Exposure Methodology therefore describes how to calculate the PFE in a common way.

How to Calculate the PFE of a Single Trade

Broadly speaking, to calculate the PFE of a single derivative, we:

For example:

How to Calculate the PFE of a Portfolio of Trades

Remember that CEM is a simple way to calculate PFEs for derivatives. It is slightly less straight-forward in how it deals with netting in a portfolio. As Chairman Giancarlo recently highlighted in Swaps Reform 2.0:

CEM’s computation overstates potential exposure dramatically when some positions are long and some are short… CEM attempts to give offsets against this overstated exposure, but the offsets are not strongly risk based and, as a result, range from inadequate to arbitrary.

Netting is a basic concept (e.g. a buy cancels out a sell), but as the Chairman points out, in the trading world it has profound impacts when it is no longer applicable.

Let’s look at the details in CEM – particularly the Net to Gross Ratio.

Net to Gross Ratio

For the purposes of Leverage Ratio calculations, netting of PFEs is very limited. The documents state that netting should be applied as:

Meaning, for a portfolio of trades with a single counterparty, we:

We could be unfortunate and end up with 100% of our gross PFEs as being our overall portfolio PFE figure. The minimum amount it could ever be is 40% of our gross PFEs. More importantly for derivatives traders, netting is not based on the balance of payers or receivers. Instead, traders are penalised if the portfolio is in-the-money.

Uses of CEM

For the purposes of capital, CEM is used in two main areas:

  1. To measure Credit Risk Weighted Assets (RWAs). However, banks can instead apply for internal model approval to their local regulator to calculate Credit RWAs using their own methodology.
  2. For Leverage Ratio exposure calculations (known as the Supplementary Leverage Ratio (SLR) in the US).

CEM and Leverage Ratio

The Leverage Ratio was introduced to recapitalise the financial system following the financial crisis. It was introduced as an intentionally crude notional-based measure to ensure that more capital was held against derivatives.

Leverage Ratio is particularly punitive to derivative markets:

I can’t finish without mentioning Compression. Getting rid of excess notional is hugely beneficial to Leverage Ratios. Following a compression run, gross notional is reduced, therefore requiring less capital to be held versus the same amount of risk. The overall PFE calculation is so sensitive to gross notional, that the effects on the Net to Gross Ratio can be broadly ignored during any compression cycle.

However, our industry never stands still, and changes are afoot in the calculation of Leverage Ratio that could reduce the current focus on compression. We’ll cover this in future blogs.

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